Monday, November 1, 2010

My NY trip was so fun!

I had so much fun on my trip to New York to see Grandma, Tio, Titi Ada and Millie and my primos! I gambled in Las Vegas on our layover, played roulette with my primos in Long Island, cuddles with Grandma in West Islip and slept on mommy and daddy on the plane:) I was so good on the plane. Once we got there, I played with Grandma, Titi Ada and Titi Millie while Uncle Joe and I had some great male bonding. I also went to a party for my cousin Randy and met all of my East Coast family. They were so sweet to me:) What a blast--I hope to go back sometime soon!

1 comment:

  1. Great pics April. It's amazing because we live close(same state) but so much goes on 'in between' visits that we miss out on so much.

